Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Goblins

This is my copy of The Princess and the Goblin. I've read it multiple times now, and there's Post It notes through the whole thing. The ones coming out the sides are details I want to incorporate into the setting and characters, and the ones on the top are details I want in the plot.
In George MacDonald's The Princess and the Goblin he describes his goblins as being, "not ordinarily ugly, but either absolutely hideous or ludicrously grotesque both in face and form. There was no invention, they said, of the most lawless imaginations expressed by pen or pencil, that could surpass the extravagance of their appearance."

In MacDonald's world the goblins were once people, and it took generations of living underground to look as they do. In my world for this book, they became misshapen and ugly when they were banished to the Underground after losing the Shard War to the Spring Kingdom. The Autumn Queen turned into the Goblin Queen the moment she stepped into the tunnels, and all her people did as well. There are drafts of my worldbuilding with the Shard War and banishment happening generations before my book takes place, but as I started writing the rough draft, it needs to have happened closer in the past.

Here are the pictures I've gathered to give a feel for the goblins:

13 Rifle Goblin by raipai

Goblin by Jonhyrock

Goblin Piker by chrstphrwest

Goblin Shaman by JonasJensenArt

Goblin Sketches by UlaFish

Goblin Raider by Brian Wynia

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